How to stay healthy, the older you get

How to stay healthy, the older you get, the more exposed you are to disease.

As humans age, their function in the body gradually decreases and can cause various diseases. In particular, there are many people who suffer from urological diseases. In the case of women, more than 40% of them are in their 60s, and they often experience urinary incontinence symptoms. Regardless of your intention, there are cases where urine is excreted and clothes are wet and noticeable outside. Urinary incontinence is a disease that can be sufficiently prevented and treated, so if symptoms appear, it is recommended to treat them quickly to improve the quality of life. I know that urinary incontinence is a disease that only women suffer from, but more and more people are suffering from urinary incontinence. There is a separate urological disease that men easily get. Immediately due to aging, the prostate becomes bloated, stimulates the bladder, and causes prostate hypertrophy, which interferes with urine discharge. It is a disease that develops a lot as the age increases. The kidneys function to excrete waste and produce urine. It also plays a big role in producing blood, which can cause kidney cancer as cancer cells grow. In the case of kidney cancer, there are no symptoms that you can feel in the early stages, so most of them are terminal symptoms when you detect them. If blood is mixed in the urine, there may be pain in the side and something like a hard lump in the stomach may be touched. There are no initial symptoms, so it is often found by accident.  

How to stay healthy. As you get older, you have to pay attention to your protein intake

  It is important for everyone to eat a diet consisting of a balanced diet. It’s natural to eat well as you get older. In the case of the elderly living alone, it is rarely irregular to eat alone every time, and they often eat just to fill their meals rather than always eating the same side dishes with nutrients. However, for a healthy life in old age, it is recommended to eat a balanced diet. The elderly are judged according to their nursing insurance grade and live all day at the appropriate day care center. Of course, if you enter the day care center, you will live a day with a program and solve lunch and dinner with meals provided.

The diet of the elderly is managed by using fruits and vegetables to balance physically and mentally.

It is not a food with a lot of calories, and it is recommended to focus on foods that are not burdensome to the stomach considering that there is a limit to the amount of activity and poor digestion.

How to stay healthy. As you get older, the amount of calories you need decreases, so it is natural to reduce the amount of food you eat. As you get older, your carbohydrate intake increases, so it is recommended to increase your protein intake because it can be nutritionally irregular. It is recommended to eat a lot of protein-rich foods such as lean fish and low-fat milk. As you get older, the condition of your teeth becomes weaker, just as your body’s function decreases. It is recommended to prepare food that can be easily eaten even if your teeth are weak using proper recipes.  

If you accumulate a lot of visceral fat, your risk of adult diseases increases

  If fat builds up in the body and obesity continues, blood pressure rises, raising the risk of high blood pressure and increasing the risk of adult diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and breast cancer. Among the fats in the body, it is the visceral fat accumulated in the intestines that adversely affects health. Since visceral fat is located inside the abdomen, it is not easily visible on the outside and is located near important organs such as liver stomachs, so if it continues to accumulate, it will cause health problems. About 10% of body fat is visceral fat, and when you calculate total body fat, you can calculate how much visceral fat you have. According to the Harvard Graduate School, women with a waist size of 35 inches or more and men with a waist size of 40 inches or more are considered to have serious visceral fat. You can check if your lifestyle easily accumulates visceral fat. I often skip meals irregularly. People who have a habit of drinking and smoking and eat too much carbohydrates such as room and rice also accumulate visceral fat. Intestinal fat can easily accumulate in people who like greasy, spicy, salty stimulating foods that exceed the calories they have to consume a day due to overeating or swallowing food without chewing well. It is important to exercise constantly to prevent visceral fat from accumulating.  

To remove visceral fat, it is important to do aerobic exercise consistently. Aerobic exercises such as walking, swimming, and cycling help remove visceral fat.