The origin of the card game


The origin of the card game.

Card games are a type of board game that uses cards.
Card games are used extensively in real life.
Entertainment is attractive, but it works in many areas such as magic, gambling, and fortune-telling.

The card game began with the creation of bark, rags, meat, etc.
When the paper was invented, it was reborn in a form similar to the size of the card, and games such as Machak began to be invented in China, where the paper was first invented as well.

The card game shows the functions of the horse that appear in board games such as chess (Chess) or Janggi (()) in fixed card format.
Since card games do not require chess or other devices, they can easily enjoy games anywhere, and therefore card games are widely spread.

Dec, which refers to a group of cards in general terms used in card games, has become an important prerequisite for game strategy planning.

Types of card games.

The types of games vary from country to country, and the size of cards used varies.
The official name of the Trump card we commonly know is the play card.
The cards consist of spades, hearts, 52 diamonds, clover and joker. Each color/black and white can create rules and create games.

1. Black Jack

Popular games in casinos need strategies and tricks.
The thing not to forget in Black Jack is 21.
Of course, those who act as dealers must get more than 17, so in this process, if they exceed 21, the opponent will win.
It’s a game that the man who made the first 21 wins.
If you have a small number of cards, you will die if you receive the card unconditionally.
You can get nervous whether or not to get the card.

2. One card.

In the case of both, divide 10 cards, 3 cards, 8 cards, more than 7 cards so that the opponent does not see.
And place the remaining cards below to see the front and stack the remaining cards aside.
It will circle from the first place in order, but if it has the same shape as a card placed on the floor or the same number, it can be placed down.
If it cannot be dropped because it does not have the same card, bring one stacked card.
Depending on the area of the game, the black joker can attack 10 cards. The color joker can attack 15 cards.

3. Baccarat.

The flowers in the casino.
Of course, the tension is full of fun. Anyone can play games easily with easy learning.
The baccara will be given two cards, and those with numbers close to nine or nine will win.
In Baccara, the ace is a number 1, the photo card, and the number 10 represents 0.
If you add two cards and exceed 10, count only the latter and decide the winner.


Trump card has a special secret!

Europe places great importance on the one year of its orbit around the sun.
The one-year season was given to Trump Card.
Diamonds represent spring. Hearts are summer, spades are autumn, and clover is winter.
A season means 13 weeks, and a total of 52 cards means 52 weeks a year.
Calculated from a total of 364 days and the Joker shows the rest of the day on the Trump card and a total of 365 days.
Although it begins with a simple play, secrets and history that we never knew existed together.