You should grasp the meaning of the dog’s behavior.

Everything about dog's behavior

You should grasp the meaning of the dog’s behavior.

All About dog’s behavior

There are many things that have meaning in what dogs do.
When you touch a dog, you show your belly and lie down.
There are several reasons for the behavior of showing a ship.

It means trusting and relying on the most common reason.
The dog’s belly is the most vulnerable part, but showing this part is a great belief.
It is an action that shows the trust of the guardian while having stability in space.

Dogs like to scratch or touch their stomachs.
Showing your belly and lying down also means touching it.
Stimulating the hair follicles while scratching the dog’s stomach activates a specific part of the dog’s brain.

When a dog shows its belly, it also means surrender.
If you feel anxious, uncomfortable, and threatened by showing the vulnerability, you will see a caressing signal that licks your nose along with showing your belly.

Dog’s Behavior 1: Reaction when touching the belly.

If you feel pain or curl up when touching the dog’s stomach, the disease may cause pain.
Since dogs can’t talk, they send a corresponding coming signal, and you should take a close look at their behavior.
Just because a dog shows a stomach, it should not be accepted as an act of unconditional love for obedience.
Communication is impossible, but it should be recognized through communication.


dog’s behavior 2: Reaction when near food

Unlike when you eat snacks or feed them because you’re excited, you don’t have energy and don’t eat feed, so I’m worried if you’re sick.
If a dog shows little activity without eating, you should check if it refuses to eat for health reasons.
Even if you are not feeling well or feeling well, you may refuse feed and gallstones may occur if symptoms such as loss of appetite and vomiting are accompanied.
Even if you lack exercise, you may refuse to feed.
If you stay at home with little movement, you may not eat because you digest slowly and have no exercise.
Moderate play or walking helps boost your dog’s vitality and relieve stress, so taking a walk also helps boost your appetite.

What Dogs Can Do When They Don’t Eat

If you eat snacks or other foods, you may not eat feed.
It can be seen as complaining by eating a lot of delicious food instead of rice.
If you give a lot of snacks, you can refuse the feed, 먹튀검증사이트 so it is recommended to give snacks as a reward and educate them to eat the feed at a fixed time.

Similar to humans, dogs lose their appetite as they get older and older.
It is recommended to mix food with feed that can restore your height because reducing the amount can lead to poor health.

Dogs should be trained to recognize that they have to eat at a fixed time.
You have to stop eating all the snacks until the next meal, and you will have to know that you can only eat feed during mealtime.


Dog sociality.

I know that dogs’ sociality is very important because it appears a lot on the broadcasting Internet, but I often don’t know how to raise them properly.

When I go out with my dog, I sometimes see other dogs or bark at people and show aggression.
On the contrary, they are friendly to people, and even if they see other dogs, they sometimes greet them by smelling them or just ignore them.

The obvious difference depends on the dog’s social training.
The dog’s sociality is raised between 3 and 16 weeks of age, and it will have the sociality raised at this time for the rest of its life.

It is recommended that the puppy have enough time with his family and allow socialization training to be raised naturally.
Also, it is better to allow younger dogs to adapt to the external environment.

In the case of baby dogs, it is good to go out after completing the vaccination because their immunity is weak, but at that time, the socialization period may be almost over and it may be delayed.
If you have finished your second inoculation, it is okay to go out, but you are still weak against the infectious virus, so it is recommended not to enter the grass and avoid contact with other dogs.

Meeting many dogs unconditionally does not develop social skills, but meeting other dogs at dog cafes can be stressful and reverse.