When you’re under extreme stress

If extreme stress persists

it can develop into autonomic ataxia

Can anyone figure out how much time of the week you spend without stress?
I always live under the stress of big and small.

Symptoms may appear in the body due to extreme stress.

If you live under stress due to external influences, but you are exposed to excessive stress for a long time,
you can have abnormalities in the autonomic nervous system.
The autonomic nervous system maintains the body’s homeostasis and controls respiratory and reproductive functions.

Extreme stress can cause unknown pain, which is called autonomic ataxia.
Stress causes the sympathetic nerves to become excessively excited, which breaks the balance of the nerves.
This can lead to autonomic ataxia.

What happens when you’re under extreme stress?

Autonomous neuropathy can be accompanied by physical symptoms such as headache, dizziness, sleep disorders, hair loss, and breathing.
In the case of women, menstrual pain can suddenly get worse and the muscles in the pelvis can move like cramps.

If you suspect autonomic ataxia, you must be examined and diagnosed at a hospital.
It’s a matter of autonomic nerves, so it’s best to visit a neurosurgeon for an examination.
If there is a problem with autonomic nerves, it can be improved through ultrasound radiation therapy.

If extreme stress continues,

you may experience headaches as well as itching symptoms.
It can be a symptom of autonomic ataxia, so don’t just leave it unattended and make sure to visit the hospital.

Extreme stress can cause dementia.

In the case of senile dementia, it often appears in the elderly over 65 years of age.
The biggest feature of senile dementia is the gradual decline of recent memories.

You can self-diagnose senile dementia.

Depending on the symptoms of dementia, it can be divided into the early mid-to-late stages,
and in the early stages, memory has recently been deteriorated, and it is common to forget.
Promises will continue to be forgotten and will be erased from recent memories,
so you will continue to ask repeated words and questions.

In the case of mid-term dementia,the calculation of money becomes poor, and you can forget how to operate your phone or TV as it was.
If you don’t answer well, your personality may change sensitively and you may get angry easily.
In the case of the terminal stage, not only language skills will decrease,
but also cognitive skills will decrease to the extent that daily life is impossible.

Dementia can be caused by a wide variety of causes,
so it is impossible to accurately diagnose dementia with only one test.

But there is definitely a way to prevent dementia before it starts.

In the case of the elderly, they will become increasingly distant from their social life and relationships.
Therefore, it will be difficult to engage in cognitive activities because it is also limited to living.

Through processes such as making and drawing that can move your hands a lot,
you can help not deteriorate your cognitive ability, and through the process of solving puzzles and continuing to think,
you can carry out systematic programs to keep your brain function healthy.

For more information, we’ll be working with RECACCOMUNITY